Quand Hégésippe rencontre Comenius

Un projet qui réunit 5 partenaires européens qui souhaitent se connaître, partager leur culture et apprendre de leurs différences.

- L'Espagne: IES Carmen y Severo Ochoa, Luarca, Asturies.
- La Finlande: Ekenäs Högstadieskola, Ekenäs, Raseborg.
- La France: Collège Hégésippe Hoarau, La Rivière, La Réunion.
- L'Italie: Issis Rugiero D'Altavilla, Mazara del Vallo, Sicile.
- La Pologne: Mikolaja Kopernika, Katowice, Silésie.

Mission Février 2014

2nd task 2013/2014
The students will work in groups. They will have to make a multimedia recreation of a poem by a foreign author, putting together images, music and the reciting of the poem, both in its original language and in English.
In addition, there will be a multilingual poetry reading at the meeting to in Sicily in February. The poems for the reciting will not be the same poems as the poems for the videos. The videos will also be shown then.
  1. Each school will choose two poems by remarkable contemporary authors from their country (from 1940s) and they will send them to the Italian coordinator no later than December 10th. The poems will be in the mother tongue and in English. They can also be in French. The poems will have between 15 and 30 verses and the topic of the poems will be about love and the passage of time.
  2. The Italian coordinator will send the collected poems to all the partners no later than December 15th. Each country will work with all the poems, except their own, which means eight poems per country.
  3. Each country will choose one video per country (which means 4 videos) and send them to both the project coordinator and the Italian coordinator no later than February 12th.
  4. The Italian coordinator will send each country the videos of THEIR poems made by the students from the other countries and then, they will choose the video they like best. These 5 selected videos will be shown in Sicily. Before the meeting, the coordinators will communicate which video has been chosen.
  5. The multimedia outcome, the video, can’t be longer than three minutes and it must consist of the following:
a. The recitation of the poem both in the mother tongue and in English, arranged consecutively or merged freely.
ATTENTION: In order to get the recitation of the poem in the original language, the students have to contact with a student from the country the poem comes from, through the “virtual classroom”. They will ask this student to record the recitation of the poem in their mother tongue and then send it in an audio file. The recitation of the poem in English will be done by all the students in the group.
b. Images or video sequences, original or manipulated, that help to provide the topic and the references of the poem with a setting.
c. Music to enhance the emotions and feelings the text shows.
The best 5 videos, one per country, will be uploaded on the blog.

Assessment and Qualification Criteria
The following criteria will be considered for the assessment and qualification of the task:
  • The reciting in the original language (diction, rhythm).
  • The reciting in English (pronunciation, intonation, rhythm).
  • Images (suitability to the emotional content of the poem, sequence).
  • Music (contribution to the emotional expressiveness of the poem).
  • Quality of image and sound.
According to these criteria, the task will be graded up to 5 points.

Poetry Reading In Sicily
Students representing all the countries will participate in the reciting of poems.
They will recite two poems per country (the poems for this performance will be different from the poems that have been used for the videos). They will also have between 15 and 30 verses, they will be about love and the passage of time and they will be by contemporary authors too.

Each poem will be recited both in the mother tongue and in English by two students from different countries.

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